Saturday, September 17, 2011


BYU football that is. Right now the BYU vs Utah game is on and here is what my boys are up to: 

And this is how they feel about BYU football:

So cute.
And...Logan's 4 month stats:
Length: 26.5 inches, 85th percentile
Weight: 16 lbs 1 oz, 66th percentile
I love seeing the percentiles, I get excited every time he has a doctor appointment to see how much he grows.


Amy said...

Yea! Too bad the game didn't turn out :( In that second photo I can totally see that Logan has your eyes!!

Kaylynn said...

I love it! Logan is so, so cute! :)

Laura said...

With Lilly being 4th% for her weight, Logan may catch up before he's one! I got some of her last winter clothes out and she still fits them!!! (12mo size!)
I LOVE all those pictures! The game and the swing ones... How cute he is!!!!