Monday, July 20, 2009

The Wedding Pictures!

Yay! The wedding pictures are here! Randy Collier did our wedding photography and he did a great job! We are excited to have them. I'll start out with some of my favorite funny ones...

Common Darrin and Rachel faces.
(Don't worry, we really are happy that we got married...)

I thought it was funny that Matthew was the only
one willing to cooperate. And he's the youngest!

Darrin and his brother, Kurtis, from Alaska

This is what I think of the guy I just married :)

And here are some of my favorite traditional ones. It was so fun to look through them and remember those moments.

I was so happy that all of these friends could make it! Angie
and Kim were my roommates, Tara, a great friend from
high school, and Audrey, my next door neighbor, who is also
the daughter of the photographer.

Here I am with my beautiful sisters. Mindy has a baby now! :)

I never thought my family would be this big outside the
temple when I got married. It makes me so happy to
see what great families Darrin and I have!

I'm so grateful for everyone that helped: Connie for the flowers, Penny for the cake, Randy for the luncheon and open house, Dad for the reception, Bernie and mom for the reception food
I'm also grateful for all of our family that was able to make it to the wedding and reception: Kurtis from Alaska, Mindy & Jesse from St. George, Jeff from Los Angeles (I'm sorry Jackie, Veronica, and David couldn't make it), Kim and Angie from Denver, Audrey and Randy from Sandy, Tara from Salt Lake, Melanee from Connecticut, Randy, Michelle, Natalie, Laura, Shane, Josh & Maia from Payson/Provo, and for Tom & Angela's family from Idaho Falls. Thanks for everything! Thanks Mom and Dad! We love you!