Cute, eh? Maybe it's a way of giving back to me for the not so wonderful weeks I have had. I got sick a couple weeks ago and had probably the longest cold I have ever had, which I am finally over. Also, school has been...well, not the most fun for me. Lately, I've been longing for a job in which I can come home and not have more work to do at home. Yesterday I came home and worked until nine grading papers and stuff. Not to mention I have an observation by BYU and by my principal on Monday. Life is crazy, but I guess not void of rewards :)
5 years ago
Yea! Winning things is so fun!! I'm sorry to hear that your life has been crazy, but am glad that you got over that cold!
Niiiiiice! It isn't great!? I love winning stuff. First the surprise and pleasure of finding out you won and then the thrill and anticipation of receiving it in the mail!
How fun to win something!
Good luck with the observation!
Oh you! We should chat again sometime soon. I'm glad you're over your cold though!
Rachel, I would like to send you an invite to my baby shower, but I don't have your email address, or your home address...could you email them both to me please?
Also, could you email me that cookie recipe that you made for the chocolate mint cookies??? yummmmmmmmmmmmmm!
I like your new look. Great header photo!
Have you got the bag yet???
Oh my goodness, I totally understand your school stresses, you cannot believe how many times I have entertained that same thought of finding a different job... Hang in there my friend!
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