Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Portland has been an adventure. Darrin and I have gotten the chance to explore a lot while we have been here. To think that we have less than 2 weeks left here is an odd thought. It went by very quickly and soon we'll be off to our next adventure. I've been bad about posting while we've been here and The Work and the  Glory series is mostly to blame for that. I have engrossed myself in those books so that I can finally finish the series and move on to my endless "books to read" list. are a few things we documented since being here. Some of them are a little odd, like this one:

While walking through one of the many many parks here this lady bug landed on Darrin.  If the saying about dots and their age is true, this one would be really old!

Portland seems to have an endless amount of flowers. Darrin especially loves these:

A hike that is in Payson Canyon is called the Grotto, so we couldn't pass up this opportunity to go to "The Grotto" in Portland, which happens to be a monastery :) It had beautiful grounds and gave us another thing on our "free things to do in Portland" list (which is mainly where we've been finding activities from).

A copy of Pieta --one of my very favorites, one I actually got to see the real thing while in Italy.

One of the main buildings of The Grotto.

To keep Logan and I busy, we go to the nearby park at least two times a week. He would sit in the swing for hours if I let him.  Usually I'm the one that calls it quits so we can leave.

Logan can't get enough daddy time lately. He's always begging to play with daddy or read with daddy. I don't think Darrin minds too much :)

Logan is obsessed with hats lately and will ask you to put one on if he sees it. This was one of those times.  I just thought these pictures were funny...

This last one reminds me of when I got my wisdom teeth out...ha!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are great. I'm glad you got to enjoy some of Portland's beauty. Where to next?

Laura said...

Those flowers Darrin likes...hydrangea! I used blue ones for our wedding. AND, I'm going to plant one in our yard if I can get around to it! Logan is sweet as ever in those hats!

Tara said...

I will talk with you about the Work and the Glory any day. Ha. And I love Logan's face in the picture you're showing him the lady bug. So cute!!