Sunday, December 1, 2013

playing catch up: splash pad

I found some pictures I never blogged that I meant to, so here is the first catch-up post.
A couple weeks before Bennett was born, I took Logan to a splash pad (in Spokane). 
We met some friends there and Logan had a blast

While we waited for our friends to show up, we played on the swings.
I can't believe how young he looks!

At the splash pad with Sadie.

Squirting the water gun.

With one of his best friends, Tyler, or Ty Ty. 

Logan loves holding hands with other kids. It is just adorable to me.

Warming up in a towel.

We definitely miss our Spokane friends a lot!

1 comment:

Kaylynn said...

I agree... it is super cute that he holds hands with kids!