A lot has been going on and this is my attempt at catching up on all that happened. I'll try to do it in order, but I'll try not to make it too long :)
First, since spring started appearing in Provo a while ago (and has since disappeared, reappeared, disappeared, etc.), Darrin and I wanted to plant some seeds in pots to see how we do at the whole gardening thing. Since planting the seeds they have grown a lot and no longer just look like the picture below of dirt in pots, but I was proud of our little garden.

We also wanted to do something fun one Saturday night, so I got some craft paint and we painted the little pots that we planted our flower seeds in. It ended up being really fun. Below you can see the results. We are pretty happy with our colorful pots.

Next, on April 22nd and 23rd, I graduated! Yipee! It was a little lame because my name wasn't even on the program (I postponed graduation to keep BYU insurance until August so my name will be with the August graduates). But, it was still nice to have a little closure. I forgot to take a picture of me in my cap and gown, but it wasn't a big affair, so it wasn't a big deal not to have pictures.
The very next day, April 24th, we celebrated our 1 year anniversary! I can't believe how fast one year went. I love Darrin even more than I did the day I married him. It just makes me that much more excited to be with him year after year until forever. For our anniversary we went up to Logan for the night. On the way we went to the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy for Darrin's birthday. I made him touch a stingray :)
Making for an eventful weekend, the 25th was Darrin's 24th birthday. One of the presents I gave him was a remote control boat. Later that week we took it for a test drive at the little pond by Heritage Halls on BYU campus. The water there is nice and clean, not like the pond at the bottom of the hill. Here Darrin is trying his new boat out:

While we were there, we saw baby ducklings. I thought they were so cute so I followed them for a while and got a bunch of pictures. Darrin was more interested in his new boat :) This picture reminded me of one of my favorite books when I was little, Make Way for Ducklings. It made me really happy, to say the least.

And, to end my super long post, last weekend Darrin and I went to Kodachrome State Park for his Kenyon side family reunion. Darrin and I didn't end up staying very long because my parents had come to town, but the time we did spend there was very fun. We went on a small hike through a slot canyon. A creek made its way through a somewhat tall canyon and we followed it. We had to jump over the creek several times, which made it a pretty fun hike. This picture is of Darrin's little sister, Natalie, and his dad, Randy.

I can't resist the silly pictures, even when it makes my nose look ginormous...

Darrin liked to make his jumps a little bigger than the rest of us by climbing on the walls and jumping off of them. Makes for a pretty cool picture.

One of his favorites: the Spiderman stance.

A great picture of the slot canyon, it was like this most of the way. It was really pretty and the color of the rock and mud was so pretty. The mud was bright orange, not a color you would think to see in nature, other than on flowers.

Well, hopefully that wasn't too long and if it was, you shouldn't have looked at the whole thing. I am a bad blogger, but I'll do better...maybe.